Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Post-It Poetry

The kids had a great time playing around with words (and Post-Its that stick!).  They were asked to reflect upon perseverance, what it feels like, sounds like, looks like, times when they have used perseverance and times when they have not ....

What resulted is a lot of really great "stuff", ideas that became moshed together to form group poetry.  It took some doing, but working collaboratively they created something to be proud of!

Enjoy our poetry ... the journey we have begun will take us to examine the perseverance of scientists as they discover and work with DNA and the time period of the "Roaring Twenties".  We will also use perseverance as we continue writing response paragraphs for the novel we are reading and solving inequalities and graphing them in math!

Whew!  That's a lot of work to be done!

Post-It Poetry: Pink Group

Perseverance is never giving up.
A race car driver is trying something new like
sky diving
Perseverance is thrilling, aggravating, anxious, surprising, frustrating
Perseverance is scholarship
Feeling proud

Post-It Poetry - Blue Guy Group

Courage and Perseverance R like trying to
Endure a tornado.  It gives you self
confidence and makes you brave.
Perseverance is braver, stronger, tougher
Perseverance is to try something new inportant 2 U.

Post-It Poetry - The Yellow Girl Group!

never give up
no matter what,
Don't back down
you feel accomplished
you feel emotional, love
Don't be nervous, stay powerful
you have courage


Monday, January 11, 2010


Since the beginning of the school year, the students and I have been examining the world through new "lenses".  They are finding that they are having a lot of fun (and , by the way, learning as well!) as we continue our journey together.   I must credit my enthusiasm and pedagogical approach to my summer fellowship experience with the Western New York Young Writer's Studio!  Please click on the link and check out the vision Angela has for growing writers in the Western New York area! Each of the traits below are traits that writers and readers display as they create their craft .... this inspiration comes from our work with Communities for Learning.

We began the year examining COURAGE:  talking about what courage is, how people can show it, and then looking into our Social Studies curriculum to find examples of courage.  At the time, we were studying the Native Americans and westward expansion ... just the playground to find plenty of examples of courage under difficult conditions.  Students discussed these examples with one another and wrote collaborative poetry that expressed their admiration for the courage the Native Americans showed as the US government denied them basic human rights.

The next trait we played with was UNDERSTANDING, but more specifically how authors help their readers to understand their topic and genre.  See the December archive for the questions we surveyed others about using SurveyMonkey.  We were all excited to know that responses came annonymously from around the world!  After reading other's opinions, the kids developed their own thesis statement about helping those who live in poverty.  Astounded describes how I felt when I realized the diversity of their thinking!  PLease read their comments - I am sure they will renew your faith in the youth we work with everyday!

Our next venture is PERSEVERANCE!  Ask my students about perseverance and their experiences editting their collaborative novel extension to Every Soul A Star by Wendy Mass and they will tell you that they have already learned about this trait!  Every time they thought they were done, more "stuff" was found to be edited, revised, changed, re-worded, etc .....

The tools available to us on the web have truly enhanced our learning experiences!  Please return to visit us often and see what crazy and unusual projects we have concocted in the name of "learning" (well, and a lot of fun, to boot!)!